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This policy describes the process by which software can be installed in computer labs and smart classrooms.

Software that needs to be installed in computer labs and/or smart classrooms must be given to the Technology Support Services (454-2190) by June 1st for the upcoming fall semester or by December 1st for the following spring or summer semesters. ITS needs to test the software, create an image, and then place that image on the necessary lab computers before school begins. Any software presented after June 1 cannot be installed in the labs until after December 1st. If you plan to purchase software after June 1 (for budgetary reasons) for the fall, ITS must have an evaluation copy so an image can be created for labs. Computer Services can work with you to obtain an advance copy. Timelines make it impossible to re-image the labs multiple times per semester.

Below are the guidelines for requesting lab software. Exceptions to the guidelines may be made for discipline specific labs.

  • Software must be compatible with lab computers and existing software. The software must also have manufacturer’s support. Technicians from ITS can assist you in determining whether the software is compatible with our lab environment.
  • Please list the labs in which the software should be installed.
  • The software purchase must include enough licenses for all computers in the particular labs in which the software should be installed. Written documentation must be provided to verify software licenses. The College of Saint Rose strictly adheres to copyright laws.
  • No DOS based software will be installed.
  • No hardware will be installed unless there is adequate documentation and/or OEM support.
  • Only one version of a software package may be installed. Older and newer versions installed together may cause a problem on the computers.
  • Please check to see if we already own a software package that meets your needs. By purchasing multiple software packages that essentially do the same thing, we use up valuable hard drive space and spend money needlessly.

Thank you for your help. Your assistance will ensure that computer labs are operational for all faculty and students before classes begin each semester.