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Empowering members of campus community by facilitating efficient use of technology and communication services, ITS strives to advance the mission and institutional goals of The College of Saint Rose.

Student and faculty surveys

At the end of each academic year, our faculty and student bodies let us know how we’re doing, both the level of service of technology at 91探花 as well as the impact of technology on teaching and learning. The spring 2012 technology surveys 丑补诲听119聽faculty members and instructors completing the survey and聽590聽student respondents. While the statistical data is helpful and the increased response rate adds to the validity of the data, the individual comments provide a wealth of insight into how our constituents feel about technology at 91探花.

Click here to open or download the complete Spring 2014 Faculty & Student Technology Survey Report.

In the spring of 2012,聽The Educause Center for Applied Research聽(ECAR) collaborated with聽195聽institutions to collect responses from more than聽100,000聽students about their technology experiences. The Office of Institutional Research was responsible for creating a representative pool of Saint Rose undergraduate students for the survey. The 91探花 final response rate was聽15%聽based on a response of聽412聽students on a sample of聽2,730聽students. The overall national survey response rate was聽9%.听The survey results for 91探花 undergraduate students and their comparisons to other MA private institutions and all institutions are provided here.

Dashboard statistics

Curious about what we’ve been up to? We’re proud to share a snapshot of聽ITS data trends聽that represent the capacities and demands of our systems, services, and resources over several years.

ITS Dashboard data report