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Parents' Frequently Asked Questions 91探花 Student Community Standards, Policies and Procedures

When a student is documented, an incident report is submitted to the Office of Student Support and Development. The Office of Student Support and Development is responsible for reviewing and handling all reports of alleged violations of College community standards, policies and procedures. When a report is received, a student community standards, policies and procedures review staff member determines how the case will be processed based upon the allegation and evidence presented.

If students experience a conflict with another individual, the Office of Student Support and Development may work with them to offer supportive measures through the duration of the process and possibly beyond.聽 Students must communicate with us when they need support and still take ownership for their academic coursework.聽 These measures may include:

  • Counseling
  • Extensions of deadlines or other course-related adjustments
  • Mutual No Contact Orders
  • Changes in work or housing locations
  • Modifications of work or class schedules/taking classes remotely
  • Campus escort services
  • Leaves of absence
  • Increased security and monitoring of certain areas of the campus

No, the student community standards, policies and procedures review process is not the same as a criminal process, and lawyers are not permitted. However, a student is entitled to have one advisor for their student community standards, policies and procedures review process. Any non-attorney, for example, parent, coach, faculty/staff member, or in some cases, a student advisor may serve as an advisor at a hearing. Advisors are NOT permitted to speak during a hearing. Respondents must represent themselves. Keep in mind that if a student is facing both college student conduct charges and criminal charges for the same incident, a student may wish to consult an attorney regarding any concurrent or subsequent criminal case.

No, violations of College community standards, policies and procedures do not result in a criminal record. However, if a student is going through the criminal process, as well as The College of Saint Rose student community standards, policies and procedures review process for the same incident and is found guilty in the criminal process, it may result in a criminal record. A student’s college disciplinary record is considered part of the education record and a separate disciplinary file is maintained in the Office of Student Support and Development. Education records are protected by privacy laws as outlined in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

We want students to learn from any poor choices. Therefore, sanctions are educational in nature. Our goal is for each student to learn from a bad decision and equip themselves with the skills to make better decisions in the future. While some sanctions may be perceived as punitive, the student community standards, policies and procedures review process seeks to assign sanctions with educational purpose, and sanctions are intended to balance the needs of the individual with the needs of the College community. Sanctions may range from assignments like periods of probation, educational programs or reflection papers, community service, to suspension or dismissal.

Each student and each student community standards, policies and procedures review process situation is looked at on a case-by-case basis. Many factors go into reaching a decision regarding sanctions. For example, we take into consideration the nature of the alleged violation and whether or not a student has a prior student conduct record. Precedent and consistency are important factors in the sanctioning process. We have developed typical sanctions for alcohol and drug violations in order to be as consistent as possible, however some situations may warrant departures from the typical sanctions.

Communicate with your student. The Office of Student Support and Development will notify a student of when their meeting will take place. Parents of dependent students are notified in instances when a student has been found in violation of the alcohol and drug policy or other severe instances once the assigned sanctions are final, at the expiration of any appeals process.

Parental notification will occur in certain circumstances and will consist of a copy of the decision letter sent to the student, and a cover letter to the parents from the student community standards, policies and procedures review staff member.

Per FERPA, a student community standards, policies and procedures review record is part of their education record, which means it is confidential information and will not be shared without consent of the student. Employers are not informed of a student’s prior student community standards, policies and procedures review record unless a student gives the employer permission. Typically, a student will sign a written consent form indicating that the College may release information to the employer or agency. Often, the employers interested in student conduct files include government agencies such as the FBI, CIA, NYPD, etc.